1. What is Everbuild? Everbuild is a premier platform that connects freelancers specializing in the web3 industry with potential hiring parties. We aim to bridge the gap between top-tier talent and innovative projects in the web3 space.

2. How do I sign up as a freelancer? Visit our website, click on the “Sign Up” button, and choose the “Freelancer” option. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete your registration.

3. How can I create an effective profile? Your profile is your digital resume. Ensure you have a clear profile picture, detailed bio, list of skills, and a portfolio showcasing your past work. Check out our article on “Profile Presentation Best Practices” for more tips.

4. How do I find job listings? Once logged in, navigate to the “Browse Jobs” section. You can filter listings based on skills, job type, and other criteria.

5. How much does it cost to create a profile on Everbuild? Creating a profile on Everbuild is free. However, there may be fees associated with premium features or services.

6. How do I communicate with hiring parties? You can use the in-platform messaging system to communicate directly with hiring parties once they express interest in your profile.

7. How and when do I get paid? Payments are made through Everbuild’s secure escrow system. Once a job is completed and approved by the hiring party, the funds are released to your account.

8. What if there’s a dispute with a hiring party? Everbuild has a Conflict Resolution Policy to address disputes. We recommend first trying to resolve any issues directly with the hiring party. If that doesn’t work, you can initiate our formal dispute resolution process.

9. Can I work on multiple projects simultaneously? Yes, you can work on as many projects as you can handle, provided you meet the expectations and deadlines set by the hiring parties.

10. How does Everbuild ensure fair opportunities for all freelancers? We believe in a level playing field. Jobs are presented based on skills and expertise, and we encourage hiring parties to choose freelancers based on merit and fit for the project.

11. I have more questions. How can I reach out? You can contact our support team via the “Contact Us” page on our website. We’re always here to assist you!

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